Thursday, December 19, 2019

5 Competencies to Focus on When Hiring Sales People

Maximizing the sales revenue is the prime objective of any profit-making organization and this is where salespeople are important in an organizational set-up. It's the salespeople who generate revenues for the organization to pay for things like the inventory, promotion and the storefront.

Given the importance of the sales function, any organization would like to have the best available talents in its sales team, in order to increase the efficiency and productivity of the sales-force. 

Having The Right Man For The Right Job Is Important…

If we look at the entire sales functionality in an organization, a minimum of 30 competencies are required for the smooth functioning of sales operations. As one person cannot have all these competencies, the sales force is divided into multiple layers such as pre-sales, sales closing, sales accounts & after-sales.

For example, someone may be extremely good in creating a network of people and building rapport but does not possess negotiating and closing skills. Such a person will be best suited for pre-sales activities. On the other hand, if someone is good at presentation/negotiation but does not possess networking skills, he may be inducted in the sales-closing team.
Therefore, it is extremely important that a person with the right competency should be hired to fit into his best-fit layer.

Here Comes A Competency Analysis Tool…

ComPAS Assessment Services (Competency Profiling and Assessment Services), the unique online service by My First Boss can assess the competencies/skillsets of a salesperson and can determine the layer he is best-fit for. The ComPAS test can assess the strengths, top competencies & behavioural traits of an individual. It will generate comprehensive reports that can manifest his skills/competencies in a specific and measurable manner.

Based on these reports, the management can make informed decisions on the best-suited layer for a potential employee within the sales domain. This assessment provides the organization the advantage to employ the right person at the right job and thereby, can ensure:

  • Increased Productivity
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Better Control
  • Less Staff Turn Over
  • Performance Excellence

Here Are 5 Most-Desired Competencies To Focus On When Hiring SalesPeople:-

  1. Positive Thinking - It can influence the attitude of an individual towards his job and the service /product he is selling. A sales work is never short of challenges /setbacks and a ‘positive thinking’ will guard him against feeling defeated/ dejected.
  2. Interpersonal Skills - It includes effective communication, negotiating skills and listening skills. Together, they will help a salesperson to understand the needs of his customers and fit his offerings accordingly.
  3. Confidence - Having confidence in what a salesperson sells translates to the customers and in turn, can influence the buying decision.
  4. Leadership Skills - The competency of an individual to make decisions and lead people will determine his ability to accomplish tasks within a given time-frame.
  5. Empathy - Having an ability to empathize will allow a salesperson to understand the ‘thinking’ of potential customers. Thus, he can plan ahead to ‘close the deal.

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